shī diào míng
失调名 🔈

朝代:宋 (sòng)    作者: 仲殊 (zhòng shū)

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The departed friend has bid farewell to the Yellow Crane Tower, descending in the March haze to Yangzhou. Their solitary sail, a distant silhouette, fades into the endless azure sky, leaving only the view of the Yangtze River merging with the horizon.
【Translation Summary】
The poem depicts a scene of the poet bidding farewell to a departing friend. The poet expresses deep affection for the friend and a sense of sadness for the parting. The friend has left the Yellow Crane Tower and embarked on a journey alone, during the vibrant month of March when flowers are in full bloom. The solitary sail of the departing friend gradually disappears into the vast blue sky, leaving only the sight of the Yangtze River flowing towards the distant horizon. The poet can only gaze from afar, lamenting the passage of time and the inevitability of separation. With concise and profound language, the poem conveys the melancholy of parting and the impermanence of life.


还为您找到作者仲殊写的 6 首名为《失调名》的词:


--即僧挥,姓张氏,又字师利,安州(今湖北安陆)人。曾举进士,后出家为僧,居苏州承天寺、杭州吴山宝月寺,与苏轼交游唱酬。崇宁中,自缢而死。词风奇丽清婉,有《宝月集》,不传。今有赵万里辑本。 查看更多>>



